TED GADECKI Illustration  Portland, OR
3D & 2D Illustration, Digital Retouching

Specializing in Realism for Web, Multi Media, Print, Advertising, Packaging, Publishing

3D Modeling
Specializing in Product Visualization, Interior Visualization, Apparel, Vehicles, Electronics, Signage, Toys, Packaging

Digital Imaging Specialist
High-end Digital Retouching, Color Correction, Compositing of photos and artwork for print and web

Computer Programs  Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Substance Painter, Maya, Modo,
Arnold & VRay Render, Z Brush, Unity, Clo 3D

Partial Client List
NIKE, Mattel, Nemo Design, Color Technologies, Inc, Iridio- RR Donnelley, Ivey Marketing, Premier Press, Fred Meyer, Glacier Design Visualization, Shine Art, Lit Workshop, Net Rush, Non Box, Hasbro, Matchbox, Electronic Arts, Lexus, Schwinn, Allstate, Michelin, Marvel Comics, Hitachi, Accolade Video Games, PicturePlane, Tri-Met, Oregon Zoo, The Oregonian, Oregon Motorcycle Racing Association, Legacy Health Systems, City of Portland, Portland Lottery, Natura Pet Products, Graphic Orb, Primary Color, Quaker Oats, Kraft, Seagrams, M&M Mars, Miller Beer Frito-Lay, Morton Salt

3D Packaging Illustrator for Mattel Hot Wheels™, Barbie™

Licensing Style Guide Illustrator: Thomas the Tank Engine, Britt Alcroft Co,
Random House Kids

Please also visit: TedGadeckiArt.com